Neo-Coptic Iconography: Jesus Heals the Blind Man
June 26-30
One-week Workshop (Half-days)
Monday - Friday
10am - 2pm Mountain Time
Neo-Coptic iconography is a modern reimagining of the ancient art of the Coptic (Egyptian) Orthodox Church. Coptic art thrived between the 4th and 7th centuries of Christianity before succumbing to the coinciding waves of Iconoclasm and the Islamic invasion. After centuries of slumber a small group of 20th C. artists renewed a vision for the Coptic style, creating an entirely new and different school of iconography.
Students will be led step-by-step in the painting the holy image of this Gospel scene. Daily prayers and discussion will enrich the experience of prayerfully painting or "writing" the icon into being.
All levels of experience welcome!
Class will be conducted live on Zoom. Recordings of each session will be made available for participants via Google Classroom.
​This icon will be painted on a 5x7" board. A prepared board will be provided along with instructional materials and gold leaf. First-time students have the option to purchase an Introductory Kit for $12 (recommended). See Essential Supplies for details.
Tuition cost:
Payment is due at the time of registration
See Registration & Payment for more detailed information